Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Changing roles

Changes come and go. Some roles disappear while others appear. Some resurface and other submerge into nothingness. Most of my earlier roles have been changed all at once. I am no longer the same person as I used to due to the fact that I haven't got the same role in other peoples lives as before. I'm no longer best-friends with people anymore. I'm just an ordinary friend. Or I'm just the guy you come to when in pain and then when you're done you leave that guy alone and keep him at bay. Nothing really close. Get the solution and get out quickly.

But maybe people just don't understand that I too feel lonely and need friends to surround me. At rare occasions people do notice how distant I am but it's not like if they'd feel the need to do anything about it. But then again what could they possibly do? Their personalities don't really fit the bill and that's probably how this situation arose to begin with. It's not really the error of others, it's more us not being quite compatible at this time. I think it's just that at this time we cannot have what once was. We've changed too much in different directions. Taken different paths. Or maybe it was I who strode away from the horde. That sounds more logical. I've changed more than my surroundings. I see them the same way I always have, only for me standing in a different spot.

But then there are other things as well. I don't feel at home anymore. It's like it isn't my home anymore. As if I'm no longer any part of it. It doesn't understand me nor do I quite understand it. The reasons are shattered but strangely clear. I don't see how I can change this. I'd have to suddenly become "easy" them to understand me. There's so much going on behind the obvious. Should I just kill it to make myself easy to understand. But wouldn't that be killing a part of myself. A part of myself which I find so important. That which makes me the person I am. How else would I be able to make those decisions.

What would happen if I simply uncomplicated my thoughts. Would I still me remotely the same person? Would people still see me as me. Would people truly understand me better or would they even try? Do they even try? Am I really that complicated or am I just too reserved for people to truly see me?

Is this too far beyond my ability to direct things or do I just need a new strategy?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Eased thoughts and disturbed sleep

I've been able to express some of my concerns. But still it feels fairly the same. There is a change in behavior but I suspect that's about it. My guess it will take at least till summer before there will be any significant change if any at all. I don't expect anything other than that. But I shouldn't expect anything after that anyways. When I think about it I don't see any change in the future. Sure, there is a possibility, there always is, but I don't really believe in it. There will always be something that prevents any significant change. But at least I got to express my feelings about the matter and my mind has eased a bit.

Still I see people in suffering. Some of new things and some are still haunted by their past. Not being able to let go of their feelings. Helpless to help I try to convince them of the same things over and over but it seems to have no effect on the matter whatsoever, besides the fact that I show my support. But I want to give more than just that. I want to help.

Sometimes what's going on is hidden. You have no real way of knowing if what you're thinking is correct of completely off course. Still you try to make it clear for the people in need what they're feeling. Let them themselves understand what exactly caused the current feelings and in that way of understanding try to help them find a solution themselves. Though since I have no real insight to these matters I can't do much more than show support and try to help them in any way possible.

While haunted by ghosts of the past certain things might be hard to overcome. Something's been going on for quite some time and there seems to be no end but still some positivity has sprouted. There is hope. Things are going up. The light is growing but still it's a journey left before one can enter the light. Let the feelings bloom once again and experience life. So long has one been without the experience of life, it feels completely dull. There is little which makes difference. Everything is gray and nothing tastes good.

While thinking of these thing one might realize how little they can do to change these situations. There are to may factors to even know little yet react upon. Finding the deep reason behind each problem and then solving every little tricky riddle. There is a riddle within everybody. Some easier than others. I have found people are generally not very hard once you get to engage in meaningful conversation. Most people are rather ordinary. Most people are rather alike in some way or another. Everyone is different and unique but some of these factors are common in just about anyone.

But there are quite interesting exceptions to this. Those who seem to be completely different in such matters. I have found myself in this category. But I know that I'm not alone. I know people with similar differences. They are not like mine but still they fall under the same category of strange. Some things are exactly alike which would be quite odd, while other things are completely without any ordinary connection. There seems to be no reason for a certain reaction. Certain reactions seem to come out of the blue. I know they don't come out of the blue. Usually I realize that I've triggered a reaction. Sometimes I know why and sometimes I'm completely without basis so I would've had no idea to what caused it. Sometimes no idea to what was caused. Some reaction that I am unable to identify. They fall under the category of negative but that doesn't still give me much of a base to continue from.

Sometimes I feel completely clueless. And I blame myself for it. I feel as though it was my obligation to have understood that. An obligation to know how to react and how to handle things. But then imperfections arise and one realizes some of the shortcomings one has. In this area of life there is great pressure. To have to know and understand everything. To come with conclusions and solutions to the eventual problems and give warning to future problems.

Though I expect people to be completely open with me in such occasions, I'm never open with them. There is always something going on. And those few times anyone asks what's going on the question is usually just shrugged off. Just saying that there is nothing going on or just quickly giving a half-truth and change the subject turning it around to the other person. I know people a lot more than they know me. People have no real understanding of how I work. People don't know when there is anything going on in my life. Am I just subconsciously hiding behind a veil or are people just that ignorant. Or is it that they are just incapable to handle any of my problems or concerns. Why do I have to almost force people to listen before I feel heard? What is it that makes me walk around with things on my mind to myself while other get help. Since when did I become this reserved? Was it because I was needed and shoved my thoughts and feelings aside and just simply got that role. The role as the one you can open up and speak to but never the one who needs speaking to. The one who doesn't need it. The one who has no problems?

I have found that it is very rare that people come up to me and start a conversation. It is mostly I who start asking those catch-up questions making sure people are alright. Sure people make jokes and stuff with me but there are no sincere words. It's all just a joke. No real conversation. But I guess that's just life. I don't know if I'd accept people changing their attitude after possibly reading this blog. I'd just think that they're doing it because they feel a slight bit of guilt and that they need to keep their image of being a good and caring friend. But in truth I find it hard to believe they really are. Or am I just their exception to that rule?

I have loads of acquaintances but no real friends.... What happened?

I wake up every night wondering about these things, looking for the answers

Monday, October 11, 2010


I guess it was the words of another which woke these feelings and thoughts. A new perspective to be more exact. But one which I do not like. The thought of that being a reality is quite disturbing. To think such a thing may be possible. But I just couldn't have pictured it a possibility before. But then I saw it. Signs of the possibility. I noticed something. A certain vibe. The feeling of observation. And the source in my case not so great. I'd rather just forget it and remain ignorant to the possible fact. Though there seems to be no going back. Was that just a means of deception? Very unlikely. To put up such a great charade for that supposed reason just can't be. I'd expect something more direct and quick. So there are more things that tell me that it cannot be but still there is a small chance. But that again would be thinking very very lowly of someone. But then again I've experienced in my past that there is certain reason to do so. But that just doesn't seem to be an option. That would just be too low. But then again such a situation has arisen in the past so why could history not repeat itself. But I'd find it quite hard to believe that someone would do that in this magnitude of wickedness. So still I don't think it to be true after all. Still there is doubt. Still I precieve this as a meant threat. From my part there is no threat but it feels somewhat intended. There's something in that gaze which makes these feeling arise combined with the thought of such a possibility.

One can never be sure...
These things are all linked

Friday, October 8, 2010

New activity

Now this will be an experience. Trying out new things. Might this give me the means to let out my creativity? At this point in time it looks promising.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

NIghtmares become reality

As I went though a certain scenario I realized that I was reliving a dream which I had this one night. That same feeling of knowing that things aren't right. The same chest, sitting on the floor with dark surroundings and an unpleasant feeling welling up inside. Something going wrong. Or maybe just a wider perspective and more insight of what is really going on all the time. Just something we've all seemed to miss. Not really realize. All these misses.

With realization that my dream had become reality, memories of how I woke up gasping for air with a terrible feeling arose from that night. That same familiar feeling spread throughout my mind. Remembering such a situation which never actually happened feels downright strange. There was such detail. The same unique feelings, the same floor, the same chest and a persons face which was not revealed.

Dreams that become reality are unnerving to say the least...

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


What I said earlier probably won't matter. Doesn't seem like there will be any change after all. I was probably just imagining things or I just saw what I would have wanted to see.

Still the situation seems to have changed somehow?

Monday, October 4, 2010


It seems as this blog has either been read or someone has noticed my recent behavior. Is it just me or was that look one of regret? Was there really something behind it or is it just wishive thinking? I'd like to think that there has been some notice to my reluctance to engage in conversation or even stay within their vicinity. But though notice has been made will it further into any kind of significant change or will it remain the same still? This has yet to be tested. This was only one incident. This was one time. Will there be a second incident or will there be but one?

Though signs are being seen will those who saw them care to follow?

Friday, October 1, 2010


Today I was shocked to know my own reaction. I saw those intentions and I flinched. I looked away, waiting for the question. This was no big thing. Nothing was at stake. There was no threat. Yet I pulled away, away into my own world. Avoiding conversation. These withdrawals are getting more and more serious. The question that remains is what there is to do about it now. How does one change such a course. Can one such as myself turn away from this current path. I find these things hard to see in front of me. I don't believe for one second I'll ever change this current path. I don't believe I'll find a big enough reason to do so. I'm trapped in my current situation and there's nothing to set me free.

Will this path be one of liberty or one of greater pain and solitude?