Friday, April 20, 2012

Death is stalking him

I've had lots of thoughts these past few days, specific thoughts. Not the usual ones. 

I see how death surrounds him. It's a firm grasp. His heart bleeds. The end seems to be closing in. He closes his eyes and fears he won't open them again. 

The fear binds. It's sad how we let ourselves fall into submission. They have no real power over us, why do we keep on giving them power over us? We all know they're lead is bad for everyone.

That which is right is also hard. You know you've been on a right path but somewhere along you found the path to painful. You do what you can to inspire something good, but it is not inspiring. It doesn't inspire people. Advantage is what they take. 

There is no love for us, we need to disappear. We need to leave, this place is no longer our home. 

Time and time again I find myself saying there are no words to describe. Maybe it's not quite true, maybe there are words to describe. Only I dear not utter them. I dear not speak of such things. I dear not say what really needs to be said.

We can trust no one. Some of us don't trust anyone, others trust some. We are all in pain, we shall not wait for you anymore. You have left, never to return. Though something tells me you were never there. You never existed. It was all in our imagination. 

It's all turned now. It's all different. The red hot burning rage is no longer. It's fallen into a dark pit. It's sees ghosts. It's haunted by memories. It's lying down on the ground in the dark. Afraid there won't be any salvation. It's become pale and stiff. There is barely any signs of life in those eyes. 

Those eyes scream out in silent pain. That voice stutters along when speaking. The tongue twists in discomfort. The hands tremble in fear. 

There is no welcome any longer.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


So many thoughts, so few words.

It bothers me. It bothers me more than I'd like, though it feels right that it does bother me.

I see the way things are. I see the way things were. I see the way things ought to be.

I see no future in this path.

I need to change.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I regret the things we did. 
I regret the things we didn't do. 
I regret sharing my secret. 
I regret making future plans. 
I regret not repairing it. 
I regret trusting you.
I regret not having left earlier.
I regret talking about it.

So much regret...