Saturday, August 9, 2014

An Unfamiliar Sense of Welcome

It's something strange. I can't say I've ever really experienced it before. It's refreshing. Never before have I ever been in a place that has made me feel so much at home. It really is amazing. Being rootless I have never really known what it feels like to be home. I get a sense of acceptance that's different from that of friends, something that goes deeper. Suddenly the whole concept of family gets a deeper meaning. For years I never had what I see others have, only now can I get a proper taste of what it's like. Things aren't perfect but they are what they need to be

It's hard to put words on the love I feel. Sometimes it feels like you can't truly express those really intense emotions. You always feel like there's more you could do. You keep on doing everything you can but still there's more you can do. But that's the beauty of it, you are never really finished. There's always more to do and what you've already done is always enough. 

It's interesting how you can basically go anywhere and still find brothers and sisters. The fellowship seems to have no boundaries. That's the way it's supposed to be. We aren't limited by borders. The genuine love expressed to strangers, but they're never really strangers for they are our brothers and sisters. It's amazing being a part of such a family. 

Despite the whirlpool of emotions there's peace at the center of it all.