I think those two comments on my previous post must be the first comments I've got on this blog. I'm rather surprised but very thankful.
Things here in the Philippines have been hectic. No real time to relax. Sure we've had our days with a lot less program than others but still I don't feel like any of us have really been able to relax. Even though I sleep at night it doesn't feel like I get enough sleep. It's like if I'm always fatigued, but maybe it's because of the heat?
The children here are a bit fun. If you play with them even a little then they're your best friend. I could adopt this one fellow right here and now and he'd be trilled. Problem is we don't understand each others languages.
After some time away I've had some time to think about everything back home. I dreamt one night that I had found the solution, at least to one of my problems. I have some trouble remembering what that was though, pity.
Philippino people really know how to party! (the amount of food there was at the party yesterday). It was a nice party yesterday but I was a bit too tired to really enjoy the evening. Tonight we'll have a camp for the Philippines. Some of the others will have something to say. But that was maybe some of the other days of the camp. We'll see.
Kul när du skriver så man vet va som händer! :) Saknar dig här hemma, men vi ses snart!