I'm moving at such speeds I'm having a hard time keeping up. Mostly I just have to have faith, faith that I'll land on the right spot. Something which is beyond my control. This whirlwind is something quite unfamiliar to me. I distanced myself from it for so long I'm still adjusting, after all this time. The world looks different now than it did before. Before I can embrace it we need to get out of this.
New insight has been given to me these past few days. The mortality that presented itself to me caused growth. There is time for rest, rest is important. As we sleep our brains process everything that's happened during the day, perhaps what I feel is the need to "sleep" in order to process everything that I've learned lately.
I've been thinking about travelling. Perhaps what I really need is to leave for a while and focus on that which is important and leave everything else behind, temporarily at least. Not be held back by everyday life and obligations.
A lot of my thoughts throughout the years have circled these things. Something tells me this is the old t-shirt that should be thrown away, left behind and forgotten. I think back to that dream I had, perhaps this was what it really meant. Because of the situation I was in left me blind to the truth which clearly was right before me. There was a long period in which I felt as though I couldn't see clearly, as if there was this fog. As I'm writing this it feels as though that which has clouded my mind is clearing out. My mind is being cleared of the dirt. The soil is once again becoming fertile, the plant can now grow without unhealthy restraint.
Walking this path isn't easy, but it doesn't really matter when you're not alone.
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