Saturday, January 18, 2014


I want to make a difference. I want the things that I do to matter. I want to leave something behind when I go. I want to leave a legacy.

What can I do today in order to make life better in ten generations time. What seeds can I plant today that people ten generations from now can benefit from. Looking at the generations who've gone before me I see a few seeds they sew that harms us today. What can I do in order to make sure that doesn't happen? Thinking about the future and the consequences of your choices isn't always that easy. You are rarely aware of the consequences of your actions till it's too late to take it back.

I think one of the keys to making a difference is being a good role model for anyone that you might meet. I have been in situations where someone has been there for me in any way and they never gave a second thought as to how much it would mean to me. They had no idea that their contribution meant a lot to me and helped me along the path. Every now and then I turn to these people and thank them for what they did back then. Things that they have forgotten and they are surprised that it made all that difference in my life. I've also noticed that small honest encouraging words can go a long way. Often people are surprised since no one ever notices their efforts (when in the most cases they just haven't said anything). You can see how they light up at the fact that they're being acknowledged. 

In the end I don't think it has so much to do about doing a lot of big things and always being the best all the time. I think it's about the everyday life, your attitude, your encouragement and simply the love you have for people in general. Also it has to do with taking care of the closer relationships you have. It's important to never forget the people who are close to you. 

There's a lot more to say on this subject. Since time is scarce I will have to stop here.

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