Saturday, June 28, 2014


Upon the realisation that the end draws near I started to think about what I am about to leave behind me. All those hours those things have been on my mind. Thinking of different ways to build and trying to apply those thoughts, keeping in mind what reality looked like. 

Once again I feel like I'm being thrown into the unknown. Only this time things are different. A lot is different now. A lot has changed, within and around me. Life has taken a lot of unexpected turns. Even though I was expecting the unexpected I still found myself surprised. Words cannot describe what I have experienced. 

Naturally I have my questions and thoughts about the future but the truth is, it's all beyond my control. 

It's amazing how it works. Suddenly I just saw it. I saw the need and I went here. As I closed in on the need I felt it. I could feel exactly how it felt all throughout my body. I fell to my knees and it overwhelmed me for a moment or two. I got the attention and moved on. Hopefully seeds were planted.