Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Mist and the Moon

I know there's a full moon, but because of the mist I can barely see anything. I just know there's a full moon because of this tingling sensation. Did he jump or did you push him or is he still standing there. The mist is in the way, I can't really tell. Is he still standing there or not?

The rattling cage, the cold burning blades, the sane insane mind.

He's confused, so he is. Losing whatever sanity he has left. I can hear his thoughts. They're destructive. The monster is a danger to him and everyone else around him. We are all in danger. It would hurt both you, me, him and all of us others.

The image of the broken glass. The veil between worlds is shattered. All because of a little white piece of hell, disguised as medicine. He thinks it will cure him, but it is simply only a key. A key to that which must be locked down. A key to our demise. We would all surely die. Including you and me. I hope you understand what your driving him to. Is it not enough that it is ruined. Does the terror never end? What do you hope to accomplish. You plague him with things he cannot take anymore. He was already on his knees when you started kicking him.

The battle continues. I can still not see anything. I can barely just see shapes. Those shapes of evil, trying to penetrate his mind from afar. There's this invisible barrier. I walk and walk but I don't seem to come any closer.

Sometimes I wonder if he's even aware of the attack he is under.

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