Saturday, June 15, 2013


In some ways nothing has really changed. In others, things have really transformed. I wanted change, true change. Now things that just happened seemed like a distant dream. I finally got free, free to pursue that which I had longed for all that time. I could finally leave that baggage behind me. I could finally come back.

I thought of all the things that kept me back, all the thoughts that kept popping up in my head and all the things I couldn't let go of. I decided that I didn't want to have it with me anymore. I didn't want to go on in the same path. I wanted honest and true change.

I saw the chains, I saw the destructive hold they had on me and the possible problems I could get myself into because of them. As the paper got ripped in two, the ties that bound were broken. I fell to my knees in pain. It felt as though a plug was pulled out of my heart. I could almost feel how all the blood came spilling out. The healing process began. I rose up again like a phenix rises from the ashes, stronger than ever before. Free from the burdens of the past with a heart filled once more.

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