Saturday, August 22, 2009


Rejection is a powerful thing. It's very painful. To others and to oneself. Did you know you know that by rejecting someone in your life, you are subconsciously rejecting yourself ? You are subconsciously rejecting a part of yourself... And the feeling of rejection is painful.... For everyone... No one is truly happy when they're rejected. Both parts are constantly haunted by this feeling of unhappiness and has a void inside. Usually this void is one that doesn't show its face but lurks just outside of your conscious eye-sight so that you feel its presence but you can't pinpoint it location or exactly what it is. Having felt this for a long time not understanding has made me a depressed personality. Only recently i realized this, a pity really. Having felt like this so long not even understanding it. To think I had to have a stranger tell me what was the reason i felt the way i did.

Forgiving is something one needs to do quickly or else the chances are that unhappiness will come out of hiding and bury you deep.

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