Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I'll be moving to Vasa today. Quite exciting actually, looking forward to it. It's not far away so I'll be able to come home for the weekends if I choose to do so. Now I only have to hope for to get a apartment of my own. I sent the school a request but I never received any reply. But sure IF I get stuck with someone weirder than me then it'll probably not to hard to move in with someone else. But then again any room mate I might get could just as well see me as being to weird to live with. Which I would understand since I could never stand living with another me. I need a bit of personal space and when that is interrupted I tend to seek out a corner where I practically bury myself an that would mean that nothing in my life would really change since that is the exact way I live here at home only that it's a room and not a corner. A big reason for my moving away from home is to avoid this state of mind since it clearly doesn't really help me in any way.

Wish me luck !

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